Lightning Talks 2020

Thursday, December 10, 2020, 19:30

In December, we will be holding an event that seeks that many of you can tell us about your ideas related to Python, soft skills or programming in general through lightning talks.

We used the Pecha Kucha methodology, in which each speaker will have the opportunity to make their presentation using the 20x20 format, that is, 20 slides with 20 seconds of explanation for each one.

Find the terms of the event in this link

Aliexer mayor


Gabriel Martinez

Me gradué ¿Ahora qué sigue?....English, my friend


Como encontrar mi salario justo utilizando ciencia de datos

Manuel Alvarado

Cuando los hilos no alcanzan

Jacobo Gómez

💩scripts para la vida

Tony Yu

Introducción a la simulación

Acerca de automatización

Héctor Vega

Testing con python